Friday 17 October 2014

Engines Roaring and Grid Positions filled...

Greatness all in a days work?

The roar of Formula 1 turbo engines and the excitement of watching a Grand Prix has got me thinking about teamwork. Having been to a couple of Grand Prix’s in the last few years there can’t be a more explicit example of a team having to work cohesively and well?

Look at Lewis Hamilton’s most recent win in the Russian Grand Prix. Whilst Lewis stands on the podium receiving all the glory and accolades we are all subconsciously aware that it is him, but also a myriad of people behind him that creates his greatness.

Like business, Formula 1 is very competitive. The goal of the Formula 1 team is to win whilst spending millions of dollars in doing so. Sound familiar? Hundreds of hours are spent testing, building, designing and perfecting the car. When the driver goes into the pit stop there are at least 16 team members at the able. Refuel the car, change all the tyres and make slight wing adjustments under 4 seconds is all in a days’ team work.

This is just the tip of the iceberg and the only visible team to us at home. Behind the scenes are the factory team members, testing and designing the car. Personnel and logistics involved in getting the vehicles, team and drivers to various venues. What’s more, the team work starts months, sometimes years before the event. Collaboration, communication and focus is essential to success.
So in looking at your business, how does it compare to the slick example of the Lewis Hamilton Team of Formula 1? Whilst you may be an outstanding company and revel in your greatness, are you recognising and appreciating your team? Are they working as successfully and harmoniously as they could be?
By Leigh
Promoting Team Work through DISC Profiling workshops