Wednesday 10 September 2014

Shhhh! The Secret of Emotional Resilience

So, you’ve arrived back from your “Summer hols” feeling refreshed and raring to go. You spend a few minutes listening to your voicemails as you approach the office. Urgent feedback from your PA is there have been a few disputes amongst your team which need ironing out immediately. Next you turn your attention to the 420 emails in your inbox. High on the priority list is HR outlining the staff member who left in June - it is looking likely that his qualms are going to lead to a tribunal. Board of Directors are wanting your quarterly strategy and forecasts in by the end of the week. Your top client wants to move a meeting date you had scheduled from next week to tomorrow as they feel there is a sense of urgency in discussing some snowballing issues. Your mobile phone pings… it’s a text message from your wife asking for your support at a parent teacher meeting this evening following an issue your daughters is facing at school.
The familiar feeling of your arms tingling and shallow breathing returns to you. Your energy levels start to feel sapped and you turn to a cappuccino to give you a much needed boost. At a rapid rate the positive effect of your holiday is wearing off and you are starting to ask yourself whether you can continue to sustain this amount of pressure on a long term basis – without having some kind of outburst that is…
It goes without saying that there are a lot of positives that go with fulfilling a leadership role and I have painted a pretty bleak picture here.
More often than not, there is an abundance of self-development and support programmes available to teams. Our research shows that this kind of support for leaders is rarer.  Yet the ability for leaders to remain calm, confident and be able to deal with change and pressure is vitally important to the success of a company!
Let me share with you a little secret, although you have probably heard this all before. Either way here goes...
As a leader if you are able to cultivate emotional resilience you will be able to approach all of these challenges calmly and confidently. By developing your emotional resilience you will be able to:
-        Understand and express your feelings and emotions
-        Recognise your stressors and be able to address them
-        Develop clear goals to help you have a clear vision
-        Communicate effectively and establish positive relationships
-        Deal with criticisms and judgements
In a nutshell, the greater your resilience, the greater your chances of overcoming continually challenging issues. The good news is emotional resilience is something that can be developed. Calm Execs offer exactly this and following our weekend programme, you leave armed with the tools needed to sustain and flourish in a leadership role. If this story resonates with you, I would welcome you contacting me to find out more about our Executive Weekend Resilience Programme, next one scheduled for November.
Leigh McKay