Thursday 31 July 2014

Idea... Dream... Goal

Isn’t it intriguing how at New Year’s eve we often set ourselves resolutions or goals for the year ahead? For those of you who set these goals have you reviewed them? Are you on track or have you achieved them?

Most successful people are goal orientated. They take the time to identify what they want to achieve and establish a detailed plan in how to reach the goal. Setting goals gives you focus, purpose, direction and motivation. You are less likely to drift and more likely to empower your future.

“To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you are going, so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.” Stephen R Covey

Many people don’t actually know what they want in their lives and will often talk about ideas and things they want. Your subconscious mind will work to achieve the things you think of most of the time, whether you want them or not. Why not feed your subconscious mind – the power of the subconscious has a tremendous effect.

I follow a few principles when goal setting:
  • Align them with my values
  • Write them down!
  • Review them regularly
  • They are specific and I am passionate about them 
  • They are framed in the positive
  • I make them challenging yet achievable
  • I give myself a time frame

Most importantly don’t give up. Confucius said, “It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop.” Whilst this jeopardises my time frame principle, truer words have never been spoken. You succeed by not stopping. You’ll notice if you take your dog for a walk, you take the first step and keep going until you reach your destination. The question you can ask yourself is, “If this principle works in routine, everyday occurrences, why wouldn’t it work in all areas of my life?” Of course, the answer is that it does.
It shouldn’t take New Year’s Eve to jig you into setting some goals. There is no better time like the present!

Leigh McKay

07880 326 303